
With both her parents working with numbers you could say accounting is in Sarah’s blood. Her Dad is an accountant and her Mother a book-keeper. Even still, when she was a young girl she dreamed of becoming a police person when she grew up. It wasn’t until she was in high school contemplating what to study with the plethora of options available at uni that she’d realised that she’d thrived most in the business related subjects at school.

Looking at how Sarah manages her life it makes sense. She keeps a household budget and cashflow forecast (always looking two months ahead), she rides a motorcycle and loves the cost effective and fuel efficient travel that comes from zipping around on two wheels. You can just imagine her tallying up her household P&L and her smile lighting up with an imaginary sound of the Mario Bros coin ‘ding’ when realising that the transport expenses line comes in under forecast.

On the work front, Sarah loves the story telling that can come from numbers and reporting and loves nothing more than forensic accounting – the tracing back and finding the snippets of detail that help explain a discrepancy or reveal a thread that can lead to explaining what might really be going on – maybe there was a detective in her after all. Even whilst on Maternity leave, she couldn’t stay away from numbers and was book-keeping on the side whilst juggling caring for busy small people at home. For Sarah, balancing the books and working methodically with numbers is comforting and rewarding – especially when it takes the burden from clients that found the process overwhelming.

A pragmatic, process driven, curious soul with a friendly smile and an occasional giggle, Sarah ticked off her Chartered Accounting qualifications as soon as she was out of uni. Even still, she is on a constant journey of learning and absorbing the world around her.


Bachelor Commerce (Accounting), CA, Registered Tax Agent

Area of expertise

Usually a bit of everything, great at helping with bookkeeping software and payroll issues


Keeping fit, playing on the Nintendo with the kids, eating


Mushrooms, negativity

Favourite Quote

“There’s always money in the banana stand”
— George Bluth Sr.

Favourite holiday destination

Somewhere with adventure or theme parks

Cannot do without

My family

Best advice I have been given

Never burn your bridges