
Leanne is a do-er and Admin Wizard. She is organised, approachable, professional and friendly. She has a knack for reading a vibe and has a sixth sense when it comes to office energy and culture. She’s knows when to give space, but also when to lightly nudge Andrew when he needs that extra little push or reminder.

Having been part of the Martin & Martin team since 2009 she has been instrumental in influencing and upholding the standards of workplace culture and vibrancy. She has been part of the evolution from suit wearing corporate service providers to the more relaxed, stylish and personal service that Martin & Martin prides itself on. The accounting world of business has changed and evolved from the days of sending and receiving paper cheques and invoices, faxes and the like, to the movement from desktop accounting to cloud accounting. Smiling with a positive outlook even amongst change and hardship she is a rock of stability and reassurance.

The custodian of the office plants, Leanne is the Martin & Martin ASIC specialist. ASIC does not provide much leeway in their deadlines or requirements. So her interactions with clients and team, balance elegantly her firm yet friendly and compassionate vibe. She is often the friendly voice answering the phones and for many new team members at Martin & Martin she was the first friendly smile who checked in to make sure they are up to speed and content.

Area of expertise

Administration and Client Support


The beach, Queensland winter sun, gardens, coffee table books


People who don’t say hello, getting caught in the rain

Favourite Quote

“Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad”

Books or movies?

Movies are great but I love getting lost in a good book

If money were no object I would…

Buy a farmhouse in Italy

I love it when our clients…

Pay their ASIC fees on time