
Ivan Martin
Ivan is a wise spirit with a twinkle in his eye and a sense of humour dry as the desert. A classic individual who loves a routine, he thrives on coming into work 6 days a week when many others his vintage would be on a golf course.
Ivan cherishes and enjoys cultivating the relationships he has built over many years of service. He lives for the deep connections and mutual respect between client and advisor. A great storyteller who is details focused he is not afraid to tell a yarn to help explain perspectives and learnings. Ivan loves to see the value in things and how things interrelate to a client’s big picture. In his words: ‘I enjoy their success, and I feel their failure’.
Originally buying the accountancy business that is now Martin & Martin in 1972, he takes the record for client retention with most of his clients still with him since the early days. That extends to document retention, where Ivan considers the paperless office to be nothing more than a passing fad. In a world where corporate suits rule, his client’s don’t bat an eyelid when he may appear for a meeting in his activewear (ready for his afternoon pilates class).
It’s great to see an walking example of work life balance!
Chartered Accountant
Area of expertise
Tax & Business Services, Gaming Industry, Superannuation Fund Audits
Family, Schnauzers, Hawthorn FC, people
Bad manners, Fruit, Negativity
If money were no object I would…
Give it away
The actor who would play me in a film
Sean Connery (tall, handsome and muscular)
My comfort food