
Vel claims she is an introvert but it’s hard to believe her with her easy going, diplomatic, smiling face beaming back at us between soft giggles and her conversation that are scattered with insights.

As is the case with many families in the Philippines, Vel’s parents both lived and worked abroad so Vel and her sister (who both stayed in the Philippines at home with family) had education and opportune choices to pursue a career and future of optimism and betterment.

Hard-working and humbly confident, Vel saw sense in numbers during her years in High School. They made logical sense to her and was a catalyst for her to move 4 hours away from home and family to another town to pursue accounting at College.

Coupled with moving hours away to seize the chance to study, those first few years of independent living and study didn’t always come easy and the challenges she had overcome along the way have strengthened her and created a more resilient version of herself and the confidence to keep pushing forward and learn from your mistakes.

Vel has a quiet agency with the independence accrued in her journey to becoming the Accountant she is today. These days the maths might not be as big a role as she first expected when she was young but the analysis and language in numbers provides for interesting and rewarding work. Based in the Philippines, Vel was the first Martin & Martin recruit out of our Philippines office and is excited to be working us. Thriving within a team that values constant learning and evolving with interesting clients.


Bachelor of Science (Accountancy)

Area of expertise

Business Services


Shrimp, travel, spontaneity


Slimy food, driving at dusk, traffic

Favourite Quote

“Do not do unto others what you don’t want done unto you”
— Confucius

Favourite holiday destination

Anywhere with a balance of adventure and laid-back vibes

Tea or Coffee?

Coffee in the morning is a must

Summer or Winter?

Wish I could experience snow during winter…

My comfort food

Coffee crumble ice cream

Best advice I have been given

Start before you’re ready