
Appointed after the sudden retirement of his predecessor George, Trevor is to Martin & Martin what Robert Deval was to Marlon Brando in the Godfather – Don Vito Carleone’s Conciliary, that rational, wise and clever council that can be relied upon in a crisis and advise on the most challenging of issues.  His capacity to process complex data into true insight and action made Trevor a target of consulting behemoths McKinsey, Bain and Deloitte – we feel fortunate to have him.

Always Trevor, sometimes Sir but never Trev, he demands attention and respect and has grown a level of resilience that is revered.  Enduring the personal insults of being told he looks like his owner, ignored in the annual Kris Kringle and disappointed by the lack of variety in his sustenance, Trevor gets on with things.  Trevor believes one should be judged by their feats not their words; a convenient mantra given his occasional struggles with the English language.

It is common to mistake Trevor’s considered reflection for laziness or his rhythmic meditative breathing for snoring as he contemplates those issues most impacting people’s lives. Often lacking interest in the comings and goings of the day, Trevor relishes tackling the big issues – highlighted in 2020 when successfully defeated the Commissioner of Taxation in respect to the assessment of income derived from the disposal of crypto currency, when held in the name of a pet.

A strong advocate for diversity in the workplace, Trevor has been central to the development of Martin & Martin’s team policies, arguing strongly for flexible working arrangements and driving policies on reward and recognition.  His daily ‘walk and talk’ sessions with team members have provided inspiration and comfort in a time of need.


Punctuality, the cracking sound a ping pong ball makes when bitten, kindness, listening


Dress codes, greyhound racing, people who look down on others, high door handles

Favourite Quote

“Wrinkles merely mark where the smiles have been”
— Mark Twain

Tea or Coffee?


Studied accounting because…

I didn’t find latin or physics particularly challenging

You wouldn’t know…

My brother developed the COVID Vaccine for Pfizer

Dream Client would be…

I would have loved to do the estate planning for Queen Elizabeth II