
Having endured the childhood torment of endless times tables done on the floor before dinner, Andrew has grown up with numbers running through his veins and an interest in accounting and business. His approach to accounting is holistic, balancing the big picture yet also resolved in the details. If a client calls to ask for his advice on a milestone decision they’re mulling over, his first response can often be ….. ‘will it make your life better?’

Often mistaken as a Hesten Blumenthal lookalike, there’s no smoke and mirrors when it comes to sharing an opinion on a clients position or approach. Somewhere between honest feedback and ‘in your face’, an opinion is also delivered after careful consideration of alternatives. Striving to achieve a less formal working relationship with clients and team members, the office environment created is deliberately informal with many late afternoon meetings featuring a cheeky pinot.

Working in an industry where you actually don’t make anything, satisfaction comes in knowing you’ve made a contribution to the lives of his many clients.


Bachelor of Business (Accounting), Chartered Accountant

Area of expertise

Planning and structuring, Business Consulting, and Corporate Finance and Valuations


Yum cha, George Costanza, HFC, creativity


Indecisiveness, the Mexican Wave, bad ties, liars, littering

Favourite Quote

“Say hello to my little friend”
— Tony Montana

I love it when our clients…

Compliment someone in our team

Cannot do without

A plan for the day broken down into one hour segments

The best thing about Excel is…?

Means I can finally throw away my abacus.