
Tara has the grounded, calm, confident, capability of someone who has been practicing yoga for 30 years and teaching it for 20 years. She has come full circle with her two parallel careers and has landed back in finance where it all started.

As a middle child of three daughters, Tara was born in Australia but started her kindergarten and schooling whilst living abroad in Malaysia. Growing up she lived in Aus and overseas, in the city and in the country. Diplomatic, organised, and described by her Mum as being an ‘assertive’ child, Tara also balances a friendliness, being incredibly approachable, inclusive and colleagues and friends have often called her out to be an excellent listener.

At uni Tara studied a Bachelor in Economics and Finance and her first role in the world of finance landed her a 10 year stint working in a software asset management business. The business was fast moving and an exciting place to work, growing and expanding globally and a perfect career kick-starter to sink her teeth into – it also was the place where she met her husband.

Life took on different demands as they started a family. Tara’s next move in her career saw her change tack completely and she became a Yoga teacher. Tara was able to spend time with her young children across a flexible work schedule and dive into teaching yoga to prospective Yoga Instructors while dabbling in some admin work and practicing yoga at a local community centre.

Working for yourself can be a little bit relentless and Tara was again ready for a change, this time back into the world of accounting. A do-er who can wear many hats, Tara is looking excited to be at Martin & Martin, learning and updating her skills and getting to know finance all over again but this time from the client side and in a very fancy office with lovely people just around the corner from home.


Bachelor of Business (Economics and Finance)

Area of expertise



Yoga, travel, family, nature, art


Traffic, tourist traps

Favourite Quote

“The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence”
— Thich Nhat Hanh

Favourite holiday destination

Anywhere! I like places that are bit off the beaten track in nature and also interesting cities. I do enjoy being in Asia and I love Italy!

On Sundays you will usually find me…

If I’m in the city, taking a walk in an interesting neighbourhood or in nature. I’m often in the countryside.

My comfort food

I love a croissant, toasted with butter

Cannot do without

My yoga mat

Best advice I have been given

Make the most important thing the most important thing