
Isabel could be stuck in a snowstorm without a compass or point of reference and (after a brief complaint about the cold) with military precision she would analyse the situation, choose a path and get out of there. She’s pretty much the Bear Grills of Accounting without the gibberish.

With an incredible work ethic and drive for effectiveness and efficiency, Isabel is known as a no-nonsense consultant who loves to get the job done. She delivers her work and her message with a directness that can at the same time seem refreshing and confronting. Isabel’s high standards make her an excellent teacher and her retention of detail and understanding of complicated matters a valuable resource to clients.

Isabel is known for responding to clients quicker than the NBN (*assuming you have the super fast section of NBN) she loves being effective and efficient. Her inbox is her enemy and her outbox her friend.


Bachelor of Business (Accounting), Chartered Accountant, Diploma in Graphic Arts

Area of expertise

Self Managed Super Funds & Taxation


Good food & wine, travel, animals, long weekends


Dirty things, extreme weathers, rude people, bad news

Tea or Coffee?

Coffee but only on Fridays

If money were no object I would…

Be learning how to paint, farm and travelling the world

My comfort food

Very spicy food

I love it when our clients…

Trust what we are doing