M Start

$3,000 in accounting services to help new businesses start off on the right foot

For businesses starting out, MStart is a stepping stone to bigger things. We love the combination of intuitive and analytical thinking that comes with working with new ventures!

As your enterprise takes off, we want to help you get your head around the numbers, structures and compliance, without worrying about the fee. Businesses under 3 years of age can apply for the MStart. Eligible recipients receive a $3,000 credit over twelve months for structuring, accounting or business advice. It may be setting up companies or trusts, getting Xero set-up right, reporting, budgets and cash flows or whatever adds value at the early stage of business life.

To apply for the M Start email info@martinandmartin.com and tell us a bit about your new business and what facets of your business set-up you’d like help with.