M Connect

An opportunity for the Martin & Martin Team to connect and get to know our each other

Our day to day as an accounting firm focuses on providing services that enable financial outcomes that make lives better. We work together closely with the unifying goal as a team is to service our clients through consulting and tax compliance.

Whilst we value this productivity, we at Martin & Martin also value; growth mindsets, fun at work and solutions based thinking and what better way to get to know each other and challenge our team work dynamics than with new and shared experiences.

M Connect is a monthly team event where we as a collective try new things, learn and share an experience. An event that takes us away from our office and shifts the focus from client centric value add towards play, connection and personal growth.

The dedicated M Connect time is our opportunity to; learn more about each other, challenge ourselves with new experiences, unleash our inner creativity, have a laugh and really find out if your work friend is still your friend when competition comes into play.