Boardroom Lunches

Boardroom conversations and story-telling over lunch sharing stories of business and life lessons.

Our boardroom lunches are an intimate conversation and interview over lunch featuring one of our beloved clients to share insights and learnings with a table of Martin and Martin Clients. A conversation and Q&A session where we deep dive into topics and hear their journey of business/passion/life and what they have learnt from that experience. A beautiful relaxed lunch listening to the how’s and why’s of some fascinating and interesting clients.

Some of our previous featured guests have included:

Gary Issacs & Kris Thompson – Banter Toys ‘Don’t hate the player, hate the Game’
Ian Barker – Ian Barker Design ‘Shovelling Dirt to winning the Chelsea Flower Show’
Lina Calabria & Andy Fallshaw – Bellroy ‘The Business of Carry’
Fleur Studd & Jason Scheltus – Market Lane Coffee. ‘Their journey in the coffee business, and how you stay true to your brand and mission in the face of a fiercely competitive and saturated market’
Rebecca and Robbie Bell – City Larder ‘Heston’s Fat Duck to the World’s Best Pâté*’